Public Authority In-Home Supportive Services
San Joaquin County ~ COVID-19 Updated
Are you an IHSS Recipient looking to enroll your provider?
Please contact your IHSS social worker or pick up a SOC 426 A form from the Human Services Agency lobby (102 S. San Joaquin St, Stockton 95202).
Return completed forms to your assigned IHSS Social Worker or drop box located inside HSA’s lobby (102 S. San Joaquin St, Stockton, 95202).
If you're looking to enroll a provider who is already active you may enroll them via the EVV portal.
The Electronic Service Portal (ESP) website has been modified to allow recipients to designate a provider online. The recipient will complete the following 4 steps in ESP to hire a provider:
1.Step 1- Find Provider- The recipient will be able to locate the provider by entering the provider’s 9-digit provider number.
2.Step 2- Select Provider- The recipient will review the provider information to ensure it is the correct provider they would like to hire.
3.Step 3- Hire Provider- The recipient will enter the start date for the provider.
4.Step 4- Confirm Hire- The recipient confirms the completion of hiring their provider by reviewing the electronic SOC 426A. This step includes an electronic signature by the recipient stating they have reviewed the declaration and acknowledge that they understand the terms and conditions of the agreement and that the information entered is true and correct.
*The above information was provided by CDSS ACL 20-108*